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- TF01
- 3,Voyager Press Launch
- 4,by Simon Plumbe
- Stardate: 1406.95
- Location: Atlantic Bar & Grill, Picadilly, London, England, Earth
- To promote the release of Star Trek: Voyager on video on 26th June
- 1995, CIC Video held this promotional event to tell the press about
- the release of the series and to generally promote the show. Infinite
- Frontiers managed to obtain a couple of invitations to this exclusive
- bash, and myself and Mark Platts went along...
- Arriving in London the day before, we managed to find a relatively
- inexpensive hotel for the night before voyaging (!) to Picadilly to
- try and find the bar to avoid problems in the morning. Two hours and
- a phone call to Tim Gaskill later (who had to look up the address in
- an A-Z!), we managed to stumble past it - less than a minutes walk
- away from the entrance to Picadilly Circus tube station! Oh, for the
- day when transporters are invented...!!
- The rest of that day was spent in the Trocadero centre, spending an
- absolute fortune in the arcades there... especially on the 8-player
- Daytona USA machines!! Oh, and not forgetting the obligatory visit to
- Pizza Hut!!
- There were a number of celebrity Star Trek fans out to celebrate the
- launch with CIC (and to add to the media profile of the event)
- including Red Dwarf's Craig Charles and Danny John Jules, respected
- actor Don Henderson (whose work in Star Wars and Doctor Who will be
- familiar to genre fans), childrens TV presenter Timmy Mallett, and a
- few others. Unfortunately, none of the cast themselves were able to
- attend, but no-one there seemed to mind.
- After a brief problem with the security staff on the door, trying to
- convince them that we were supposed to be attending (while we had the
- invitations, our names had been missed off the invitation list!!), we
- managed to sneak in early to check the bar out, grab a few photos,
- and to generally familiarise ourselves with the layout. We were also
- subjected to a sneak preview of what was to come...
- Then the launch started officially, as we were all ushered into a bar
- where a really weird free non-alcoholic cocktail was being given to
- everyone. When I say weird, can you imagine a drink made up of
- several layers of colour??!! After this, we spent a while in here,
- chatting to some of the other journo's, the celebrity guests
- (including a nostalgic chat between ourselves and two of the guests
- from T'Kon '94 - Danny John Jules and Tim Gaskill!) and a few other
- fans who were present (drafted in by CIC to be dressed in costumes) -
- which included one guy who turned out to be a TFF reader!!!
- Then disaster struck! We noticed that a TV crew were present from the
- newly-launched L!VE cable station, and they were interviewing the
- celebrities about the show and the launch in general. I turned to
- Mark warning him that the camera crew were looking in our direction,
- but Mark was insistent that they wouldn't bother with us! Yeah,
- right! They spotted that I was wearing a Voyager t-shirt (most of the
- other writers and video reps there were in suits!) and that was it -
- they homed in and proceeded to interview both myself and Mark... on
- national LIVE television!! If that doesn't make you nervous, nothing
- will!!
- To try and create a sense of atmosphere, all of the CIC staff present
- were in Starfleet uniforms, and after everyone had received their
- drinks and settled down, Robert Hollocks walked into the bar and
- introduced himself. Suddenly, lights started to flash as a group of
- Klingons burst in through the doors and a staged fight sequence took
- place with the Klingons and a group of Federation officers. All great
- fun! After the Klingons were suitable despatched, we were ushered
- into the main hall where a video was set up simulating a transmission
- from Starfleet discussion the incident and the impedning situation
- with the newly-launch USS Voyager. This was a very slick presentation
- with video and slides, combined with apparent interaction between the
- person on the video and the CIC staff in the crowd. Then, the video
- handed over to "Admiral" Robert Hollocks, who took everyone through a
- brief potted history of the series and where it fitted into the Star
- Trek legacy.
- After this, Robert left the stage for the video showing of
- "Caretaker", which managed to hold people's rapt attention for the
- full 90 minutes, leaving everyone present in no doubt that they were
- witness to yet another success for Paramount and CIC Video. Everyone
- seemed to enjoy it thoroughly going by the reaction of people we
- spoke to afterwards, although I must admit that my attention did
- wander somewhat during the screening - well, I had seen the pilot
- several times by then and I had started to learn much of the
- dialogue!!
- After this, we were all then given a Voyager press kit in a rather
- swish presentation case. Granted, the case was the one used by CIC
- for the Jurassic Park "DNA" Pack, but it still looked quite good with
- the Voyager logo on it! Inside, there was a complimentary time-coded
- preview copy of the pilot, "Caretaker", press releases containing
- information on the show, it's characters and behind-the-scenes
- trivia, a copy of the video sleeve, the background booklet/additional
- leaflets that were included in the first volume, a 35mm slide
- featuring the full cast shot, plus (courteousy of MicroProse) a demo
- CD for the ST:TNG game "A Final Unity" for the PC. As well as this,
- Titan Books included a free copy of the latest edition of their Trek
- magazine, which just happened to be a Voyager special. It was a
- really impressive pack that I'm sure helped to win over more than a
- few journalists present!
- After the official presentation, and after everyone had enjoyed their
- free lunches (!), we managed to spend a short while grabbing some of
- the guests for brief interviews, and we had a chance to chat with
- Robert about the overall success of the day itself. Then, while we
- were interviewing Don Henderson, I encountered a problem... Craig
- Charles!
- It transpires that Craig Charles REALLY liked the press pack that was
- being given out... so much that he decided to take an extra couple
- home with him. Now, the supplies that CIC had to give away were
- deliberately limited to one per person - anyone who has ever seen how
- much Star Trek press kits tend to be worth would see why. That being
- the case, what Craig Charles did was inexcusable. He obviously
- decided that it would be a great idea to grab as many press kits as
- he could to take with him and he proceeded to walk around the bar,
- picking up any press pack that wasn't being guarded. If anyone went
- to the toilet or left their pack alone for a few seconds, he was
- there grabbing it. Eventually, according to eyewitness reports, he
- left the bar with at least six.
- How do I know all this? Well, he ended up taking MY pack while we
- were busy with Don Henderson. This would have been bad enough in
- itself, but because I was already carrying a tape recorder and other
- items, I had stored some personal items in the pack for safe storage.
- Fortunately, CIC provided me with a replacement pack, and after
- chasing Craig Charles, they managed to get my personal items
- returned. But why did he take it in the first place? And why didn't
- he return the WHOLE pack instead of just the personal contents?
- That really was the only thing I didn't enjoy about the day, and
- overall everyone there seemed to be very impressed with Voyager. It
- certainly gained a few new fans on the day! I just can't wait now for
- the next Star Trek series... and the next CIC launch to accompany
- it!!